Global Pest and Disease Database
About the GPDD:

The Global Pest and Disease Database (GPDD) is a web accessible exotic pest information archive designed to support APHIS programs. The database incorporates information from various sources into a single repository of data pertaining to pest taxonomy, identification, biology, distribution, hosts, significance, detection and control. The database currently contains information for over 7000 pests not known to be in the US, or present but with a limited distribution.

Ethics statement: This access offer is intended for USDA and DHS employees and APHIS cooperators only. The GPDD contains some sensitive information which is not for public distribution, and access is therefore restricted, requiring a username and password. Submittal of this form implies that the user consents to restrictions, implied or explicit, regarding distribution of database content or sharing of passwords, and conforms to security conventions outlined in APHIS IT Security Awareness training. By using this application, you also agree to refrain from using any automated tools (such as crawlers, bots, scripts, or browser extensions) to access, copy, or extract data from our website. This helps us provide a fair experience for all users and avoid strain on our servers.

NOTE: Federal employees who are granted GPDD access are not to distribute information from the database unless it is from a referenced public source.